Source code for mingus.containers.note

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    mingus - Music theory Python package, note module.
#    Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Bart Spaans
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from mingus.core import notes, intervals
from mt_exceptions import NoteFormatError
from math import log

[docs]class Note(object): """A note object. In the mingus.core module, notes are generally represented by strings. Most of the times, this is not enough. We want to set the octave and maybe the amplitude, vibrato or other dynamics. Then we want to store the notes in bars, the bars in tracks, the tracks in compositions, etc. We could do this with a number of lists, but ultimately it is a lot easier to use objects. The Note class provides an easy way to deal with notes in an object oriented matter. You can use the class NoteContainer to group Notes together in intervals and chords. """ name = 'C' octave = 4 dynamics = {}
[docs] def __init__(self, name='C', octave=4, dynamics={}): if type(name) == str: self.set_note(name, octave, dynamics) elif hasattr(name, 'name'): # Hardcopy Note object self.set_note(, name.octave, name.dynamics) if hasattr(name, 'channel'): = if hasattr(name, 'velocity'): self.velocity = name.velocity elif type(name) == int: self.from_int(name) else: raise NoteFormatError("Don't know what to do with name object: " "'%s'" % name)
[docs] def set_note(self, name='C', octave=4, dynamics={}): """Set the note to name in octave with dynamics. Return the objects if it succeeded, raise an NoteFormatError otherwise. """ dash_index = name.split('-') if len(dash_index) == 1: if notes.is_valid_note(name): = name self.octave = octave self.dynamics = dynamics return self else: raise NoteFormatError("The string '%s' is not a valid " "representation of a note in mingus" % name) elif len(dash_index) == 2: if notes.is_valid_note(dash_index[0]): = dash_index[0] self.octave = int(dash_index[1]) self.dynamics = dynamics return self else: raise NoteFormatError("The string '%s' is not a valid " "representation of a note in mingus" % name) return False
[docs] def empty(self): """Remove the data in the instance.""" = '' octave = 0 dynamics = {}
[docs] def augment(self): """Call notes.augment with this note as argument.""" = notes.augment(
[docs] def diminish(self): """Call notes.diminish with this note as argument.""" = notes.diminish(
[docs] def change_octave(self, diff): """Change the octave of the note to the current octave + diff.""" self.octave += diff if self.octave < 0: self.octave = 0
[docs] def octave_up(self): """Increment the current octave with 1.""" self.change_octave(1)
[docs] def octave_down(self): """Decrement the current octave with 1.""" self.change_octave(-1)
[docs] def remove_redundant_accidentals(self): """Call notes.remove_redundant_accidentals on this note's name.""" = notes.remove_redundant_accidentals(
[docs] def transpose(self, interval, up=True): """Transpose the note up or down the interval. Examples: >>> a = Note('A') >>> a.transpose('3') >>> a 'C#-5' >>> a.transpose('3', False) >>> a 'A-4' """ (old, o_octave) = (, self.octave) = intervals.from_shorthand(, interval, up) if up: if self < Note(old, o_octave): self.octave += 1 else: if self > Note(old, o_octave): self.octave -= 1
[docs] def from_int(self, integer): """Set the Note corresponding to the integer. 0 is a C on octave 0, 12 is a C on octave 1, etc. Example: >>> Note().from_int(12) 'C-1' """ = notes.int_to_note(integer % 12) self.octave = integer // 12 return self
[docs] def measure(self, other): """Return the number of semitones between this Note and the other. Examples: >>> Note('C').measure(Note('D')) 2 >>> Note('D').measure(Note('C')) -2 """ return int(other) - int(self)
[docs] def to_hertz(self, standard_pitch=440): """Return the Note in Hz. The standard_pitch argument can be used to set the pitch of A-4, from which the rest is calculated. """ # int(Note("A")) == 57 diff = self.__int__() - 57 return 2 ** (diff / 12.0) * 440
[docs] def from_hertz(self, hertz, standard_pitch=440): """Set the Note name and pitch, calculated from the hertz value. The standard_pitch argument can be used to set the pitch of A-4, from which the rest is calculated. """ value = ((log((float(hertz) * 1024) / standard_pitch, 2) + 1.0 / 24) * 12 + 9) # notes.note_to_int("A") = notes.int_to_note(int(value) % 12) self.octave = int(value / 12) - 6 return self
[docs] def to_shorthand(self): """Give the traditional Helmhotz pitch notation. Examples: >>> Note('C-4').to_shorthand() "c'" >>> Note('C-3').to_shorthand() 'c' >>> Note('C-2').to_shorthand() 'C' >>> Note('C-1').to_shorthand() 'C,' """ if self.octave < 3: res = else: res = str.lower( o = self.octave - 3 while o < -1: res += ',' o += 1 while o > 0: res += "'" o -= 1 return res
[docs] def from_shorthand(self, shorthand): """Convert from traditional Helmhotz pitch notation. Examples: >>> Note().from_shorthand("C,,") 'C-0' >>> Note().from_shorthand("C") 'C-2' >>> Note().from_shorthand("c'") 'C-4' """ name = '' octave = 0 for x in shorthand: if x in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']: name = str.upper(x) octave = 3 elif x in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G']: name = x octave = 2 elif x in ['#', 'b']: name += x elif x == ',': octave -= 1 elif x == "'": octave += 1 return self.set_note(name, octave, {})
[docs] def __int__(self): """Return the current octave multiplied by twelve and add notes.note_to_int to it. This means a C-0 returns 0, C-1 returns 12, etc. This method allows you to use int() on Notes. """ res = self.octave * 12 + notes.note_to_int([0]) for n in[1:]: if n == '#': res += 1 elif n == 'b': res -= 1 return res
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """Enable the comparing operators on Notes (>, <, \ ==, !=, >= and <=). So we can sort() Intervals, etc. Examples: >>> Note('C', 4) < Note('B', 4) True >>> Note('C', 4) > Note('B', 4) False """ if other is None: return False return int(self) < int(other)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Compare Notes for equality by comparing their note values.""" if other is None: return False return int(self) == int(other)
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): return not(self < other or self == other)
[docs] def __le__(self, other): return self < other or self == other
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): return not self < other
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Return a helpful representation for printing Note classes.""" return "'%s-%d'" % (, self.octave)