Source code for mingus.core.chords

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    mingus - Music theory Python package, chords module.
#    Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Bart Spaans
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Module to create chords.

This module is a huge module that builds on the intervals module. It can be
used to generate and recognise a plethora of chords.

The following overview groups some of the functions you are most likely to
use together.

Generate Diatonic Chords
 * Triads
   * triad
   * triads
 * Sevenths
   * seventh
   * sevenths

Generate Absolute Chords
 * Triads
   * minor_triad
   * major_triad
   * diminished_triad
 * Sixths
   * minor_sixth
   * major_sixth
 * Sevenths
   * minor_seventh
   * major_seventh
   * dominant_seventh
   * minor_major_seventh
   * minor_seventh_flat_five
   * diminished_seventh
 * Ninths
   * minor_ninth
   * major_ninth
   * dominant_ninth
 * Elevenths
   * minor_eleventh
   * eleventh
 * Thirteenths
   * minor_thirteenth
   * major_thirteenth
   * dominant_thirteenth
 * Augmented chords
   * augmented_triad
   * augmented_major_seventh
   * augmented_minor_seventh
 * Suspended chords
   * suspended_second_triad
   * suspended_fourth_triad
   * suspended_seventh
   * suspended_fourth_ninth
   * suspended_ninth
 * Altered chords
   * dominant_flat_ninth
   * dominant_sharp_ninth
   * dominant_flat_five
   * sixth_ninth
   * hendrix_chord

Get Chords by Function
 * Function
   * tonic and tonic7
   * supertonic and supertonic7
   * mediant and mediant7
   * subdominant and subdominant7
   * dominant and dominant7
   * submediant and submediant7
 * Aliases
   * I, II, III, IV, V, VI
   * ii, iii, vi, vii
   * I7, II7, III7, IV7, V7, VI7
   * ii7, iii7, vi7

Useful Functions
 * determine - Can recognize all the chords that can be generated with \
from_shorthand (a lot) and their inversions.
 * from_shorthand - Generates chords from shorthand (eg. 'Cmin7')

import intervals
import notes
import keys
from mt_exceptions import NoteFormatError, FormatError

_triads_cache = {}

# A cache for composed sevenths
_sevenths_cache = {}

chord_shorthand_meaning = {  # Triads Augmented chords Suspended chords Sevenths
                             # Sixths Ninths Elevenths Thirteenths Altered
                             # Chords Special
    'm': ' minor triad',
    'M': ' major triad',
    '': ' major triad',
    'dim': ' diminished triad',
    'aug': ' augmented triad',
    '+': ' augmented triad',
    '7#5': ' augmented minor seventh',
    'M7+5': ' augmented minor seventh',
    'M7+': ' augmented major seventh',
    'm7+': ' augmented minor seventh',
    '7+': ' augmented major seventh',
    'sus47': ' suspended seventh',
    '7sus4': ' suspended seventh',
    'sus4': ' suspended fourth triad',
    'sus2': ' suspended second triad',
    'sus': ' suspended fourth triad',
    '11': ' eleventh',
    'add11': ' eleventh',
    'sus4b9': ' suspended fourth ninth',
    'susb9': ' suspended fourth ninth',
    'm7': ' minor seventh',
    'M7': ' major seventh',
    'dom7': ' dominant seventh',
    '7': ' dominant seventh',
    'm7b5': ' half diminished seventh',
    'dim7': ' diminished seventh',
    'm/M7': ' minor/major seventh',
    'mM7': ' minor/major seventh',
    'm6': ' minor sixth',
    'M6': ' major sixth',
    '6': ' major sixth',
    '6/7': ' dominant sixth',
    '67': ' dominant sixth',
    '6/9': ' sixth ninth',
    '69': ' sixth ninth',
    '9': ' dominant ninth',
    'add9': ' dominant ninth',
    '7b9': ' dominant flat ninth',
    '7#9': ' dominant sharp ninth',
    'M9': ' major ninth',
    'm9': ' minor ninth',
    '7#11': ' lydian dominant seventh',
    'm11': ' minor eleventh',
    'M13': ' major thirteenth',
    'm13': ' minor thirteenth',
    '13': ' dominant thirteenth',
    'add13': ' dominant thirteenth',
    '7b5': ' dominant flat five',
    'hendrix': ' hendrix chord',
    '7b12': ' hendrix chord',
    '5': ' perfect fifth',

[docs]def triad(note, key): """Return the triad on note in key as a list. Examples: >>> triad('E', 'C') ['E', 'G', 'B'] >>> triad('E', 'B') ['E', 'G#', 'B'] """ return [note, intervals.third(note, key), intervals.fifth(note, key)]
[docs]def triads(key): """Return all the triads in key. Implemented using a cache. """ if _triads_cache.has_key(key): return _triads_cache[key] res = map(lambda x: triad(x, key), keys.get_notes(key)) _triads_cache[key] = res return res
[docs]def major_triad(note): """Build a major triad on note. Example: >>> major_triad('C') ['C', 'E', 'G'] """ return [note, intervals.major_third(note), intervals.perfect_fifth(note)]
[docs]def minor_triad(note): """Build a minor triad on note. Example: >>> minor_triad('C') ['C', 'Eb', 'G'] """ return [note, intervals.minor_third(note), intervals.perfect_fifth(note)]
[docs]def diminished_triad(note): """Build a diminished triad on note. Example: >>> diminished_triad('C') ['C', 'Eb', 'Gb'] """ return [note, intervals.minor_third(note), intervals.minor_fifth(note)]
[docs]def augmented_triad(note): """Build an augmented triad on note. Example: >>> augmented_triad('C') ['C', 'E', 'G#'] """ return [note, intervals.major_third(note), notes.augment(intervals.major_fifth(note))]
[docs]def seventh(note, key): """Return the seventh chord on note in key. Example: >>> seventh('C', 'C') ['C', 'E', 'G', 'B'] """ return triad(note, key) + [intervals.seventh(note, key)]
[docs]def sevenths(key): """Return all the sevenths chords in key in a list.""" if _sevenths_cache.has_key(key): return _sevenths_cache[key] res = map(lambda x: seventh(x, key), keys.get_notes(key)) _sevenths_cache[key] = res return res
[docs]def major_seventh(note): """Build a major seventh on note. Example: >>> major_seventh('C') ['C', 'E', 'G', 'B'] """ return major_triad(note) + [intervals.major_seventh(note)]
[docs]def minor_seventh(note): """Build a minor seventh on note. Example: >>> minor_seventh('C') ['C', 'Eb', 'G', 'Bb'] """ return minor_triad(note) + [intervals.minor_seventh(note)]
[docs]def dominant_seventh(note): """Build a dominant seventh on note. Example: >>> dominant_seventh('C') ['C', 'E', 'G', 'Bb'] """ return major_triad(note) + [intervals.minor_seventh(note)]
[docs]def half_diminished_seventh(note): """Build a half diminished seventh (also known as "minor seventh flat five") chord on note. Example: >>> half_diminished_seventh('C') ['C', 'Eb', 'Gb', 'Bb'] """ return diminished_triad(note) + [intervals.minor_seventh(note)]
[docs]def minor_seventh_flat_five(note): """Build a minor seventh flat five (also known as "half diminished seventh") chord on note. See half_diminished_seventh(note) for docs. """ return half_diminished_seventh(note)
[docs]def diminished_seventh(note): """Build a diminished seventh chord on note. Example: >>> diminished_seventh('C') ['C', 'Eb', 'Gb', 'Bbb'] """ return (diminished_triad(note) + [notes.diminish(intervals.minor_seventh(note))])
[docs]def minor_major_seventh(note): """Build a minor major seventh chord on note. Example: >>> minor_major_seventh('C') ['C', 'Eb', 'G', 'B'] """ return minor_triad(note) + [intervals.major_seventh(note)]
[docs]def minor_sixth(note): """Build a minor sixth chord on note. Example: >>> minor_sixth('C') ['C', 'Eb', 'G', 'A'] """ return minor_triad(note) + [intervals.major_sixth(note)]
[docs]def major_sixth(note): """Build a major sixth chord on note. Example: >>> major_sixth('C') ['C', 'E', 'G', 'A'] """ return major_triad(note) + [intervals.major_sixth(note)]
[docs]def dominant_sixth(note): """Build the altered chord 6/7 on note. Example: >>> dominant_sixth('C') ['C', 'E', 'G', 'A', 'Bb'] """ return major_sixth(note) + [intervals.minor_seventh(note)]
[docs]def sixth_ninth(note): """Build the sixth/ninth chord on note. Example: >>> sixth_ninth('C') ['C', 'E', 'G', 'A', 'D'] """ return major_sixth(note) + [intervals.major_second(note)]
[docs]def minor_ninth(note): """Build a minor ninth chord on note. Example: >>> minor_ninth('C') ['C', 'Eb', 'G', 'Bb', 'D'] """ return minor_seventh(note) + [intervals.major_second(note)]
[docs]def major_ninth(note): """Build a major ninth chord on note. Example: >>> major_ninth('C') ['C', 'E', 'G', 'B', 'D'] """ return major_seventh(note) + [intervals.major_second(note)]
[docs]def dominant_ninth(note): """Build a dominant ninth chord on note. Example: >>> dominant_ninth('C') ['C', 'E', 'G', 'Bb', 'D'] """ return dominant_seventh(note) + [intervals.major_second(note)]
[docs]def dominant_flat_ninth(note): """Build a dominant flat ninth chord on note. Example: >>> dominant_ninth('C') ['C', 'E', 'G', 'Bb', 'Db'] """ res = dominant_ninth(note) res[4] = intervals.minor_second(note) return res
[docs]def dominant_sharp_ninth(note): """Build a dominant sharp ninth chord on note. Example: >>> dominant_ninth('C') ['C', 'E', 'G', 'Bb', 'D#'] """ res = dominant_ninth(note) res[4] = notes.augment(intervals.major_second(note)) return res
[docs]def eleventh(note): """Build an eleventh chord on note. Example: >>> eleventh('C') ['C', 'G', 'Bb', 'F'] """ return [note, intervals.perfect_fifth(note), intervals.minor_seventh(note), intervals.perfect_fourth(note)]
[docs]def minor_eleventh(note): """Build a minor eleventh chord on note. Example: >>> minor_eleventh('C') ['C', 'Eb', 'G', 'Bb', 'F'] """ return minor_seventh(note) + [intervals.perfect_fourth(note)]
[docs]def minor_thirteenth(note): """Build a minor thirteenth chord on note. Example: >>> minor_thirteenth('C') ['C', 'Eb', 'G', 'Bb', 'D', 'A'] """ return minor_ninth(note) + [intervals.major_sixth(note)]
[docs]def major_thirteenth(note): """Build a major thirteenth chord on note. Example: >>> major_thirteenth('C') ['C', 'E', 'G', 'B', 'D', 'A'] """ return major_ninth(note) + [intervals.major_sixth(note)]
[docs]def dominant_thirteenth(note): """Build a dominant thirteenth chord on note. Example: >>> dominant_thirteenth('C') ['C', 'E', 'G', 'Bb', 'D', 'A'] """ return dominant_ninth(note) + [intervals.major_sixth(note)]
[docs]def suspended_triad(note): """An alias for suspended_fourth_triad.""" return suspended_fourth_triad(note)
[docs]def suspended_second_triad(note): """Build a suspended second triad on note. Example: >>> suspended_second_triad('C') ['C', 'D', 'G'] """ return [note, intervals.major_second(note), intervals.perfect_fifth(note)]
[docs]def suspended_fourth_triad(note): """Build a suspended fourth triad on note. Example: >>> suspended_fourth_triad('C') ['C', 'F', 'G'] """ return [note, intervals.perfect_fourth(note), intervals.perfect_fifth(note)]
[docs]def suspended_seventh(note): """Build a suspended (flat) seventh chord on note. Example: >>> suspended_seventh('C') ['C', 'F', 'G', 'Bb'] """ return suspended_fourth_triad(note) + [intervals.minor_seventh(note)]
[docs]def suspended_fourth_ninth(note): """Build a suspended fourth flat ninth chord on note. Example: >>> suspended_fourth_ninth('C') ['C', 'F', 'G', 'Db'] """ return suspended_fourth_triad(note) + [intervals.minor_second(note)]
[docs]def augmented_major_seventh(note): """Build an augmented major seventh chord on note. Example: >>> augmented_major_seventh('C') ['C', 'E', 'G#', 'B'] """ return augmented_triad(note) + [intervals.major_seventh(note)]
[docs]def augmented_minor_seventh(note): """Build an augmented minor seventh chord on note. Example: >>> augmented_minor_seventh('C') ['C', 'E', 'G#', 'Bb'] """ return augmented_triad(note) + [intervals.minor_seventh(note)]
[docs]def dominant_flat_five(note): """Build a dominant flat five chord on note. Example: >>> dominant_flat_five('C') ['C', 'E', 'Gb', 'Bb'] """ res = dominant_seventh(note) res[2] = notes.diminish(res[2]) return res
[docs]def lydian_dominant_seventh(note): """Build the lydian dominant seventh (7#11) on note. Example: >>> lydian_dominant_seventh('C') ['C', 'E', 'G', 'Bb', 'F#'] """ return (dominant_seventh(note) + [notes.augment(intervals.perfect_fourth(note))])
[docs]def hendrix_chord(note): """Build the famous Hendrix chord (7b12). Example: >>> hendrix_chord('C') ['C', 'E', 'G', 'Bb', 'Eb'] """ return dominant_seventh(note) + [intervals.minor_third(note)]
[docs]def tonic(key): """Return the tonic chord in key. Examples: >>> tonic('C') ['C', 'E', 'G'] >>> tonic('c') ['C', 'Eb', 'G'] """ return triads(key)[0]
[docs]def tonic7(key): """Return the seventh chord in key.""" return sevenths(key)[0]
[docs]def supertonic(key): """Return the supertonic chord in key. Example: >>> supertonic('C') ['D', 'F', 'A'] """ return triads(key)[1]
[docs]def supertonic7(key): """Return the supertonic seventh chord in key.""" return sevenths(key)[1]
[docs]def mediant(key): """Return the mediant chord in key. Example: >>> mediant('C') ['E', 'G', 'B'] """ return triads(key)[2]
[docs]def mediant7(key): """Returns the mediant seventh chord in key.""" return sevenths(key)[2]
[docs]def subdominant(key): """Return the subdominant chord in key. Example: >>> subdominant('C') ['F', 'A', 'C'] """ return triads(key)[3]
[docs]def subdominant7(key): """Return the subdominant seventh chord in key.""" return sevenths(key)[3]
[docs]def dominant(key): """Return the dominant chord in key. Example: >>> dominant('C') ['G', 'B', 'D'] """ return triads(key)[4]
[docs]def dominant7(key): """Return the dominant seventh chord in key.""" return sevenths(key)[4]
[docs]def submediant(key): """Return the submediant chord in key. Example: >>> submediant('C') ['A', 'C', 'E'] """ return triads(key)[5]
[docs]def submediant7(key): """Return the submediant seventh chord in key.""" return sevenths(key)[5]
[docs]def subtonic(key): """Return the subtonic chord in key. Example: >>> subtonic('C') ['B', 'D', 'F'] """ return triads(key)[6]
[docs]def subtonic7(key): """Return the subtonic seventh chord in key.""" return sevenths(key)[6]
[docs]def I(key): return tonic(key)
[docs]def I7(key): return tonic7(key)
[docs]def ii(key): return supertonic(key)
[docs]def II(key): return supertonic(key)
[docs]def ii7(key): return supertonic7(key)
[docs]def II7(key): return supertonic7(key)
[docs]def iii(key): return mediant(key)
[docs]def III(key): return mediant(key)
[docs]def iii7(key): return mediant7(key)
[docs]def III7(key): return mediant7(key)
[docs]def IV(key): return subdominant(key)
[docs]def IV7(key): return subdominant7(key)
[docs]def V(key): return dominant(key)
[docs]def V7(key): return dominant7(key)
[docs]def vi(key): return submediant(key)
[docs]def VI(key): return submediant(key)
[docs]def vi7(key): return submediant7(key)
[docs]def VI7(key): return submediant7(key)
[docs]def vii(key): return subtonic(key)
[docs]def VII(key): return subtonic(key)
[docs]def vii7(key): return subtonic(key)
[docs]def VII7(key): return subtonic7(key)
[docs]def invert(chord): """Invert a given chord one time.""" return chord[1:] + [chord[0]]
[docs]def first_inversion(chord): """Return the first inversion of a chord.""" return invert(chord)
[docs]def second_inversion(chord): """Return the second inversion of chord.""" return invert(invert(chord))
[docs]def third_inversion(chord): """Return the third inversion of chord.""" return invert(invert(invert(chord)))
[docs]def from_shorthand(shorthand_string, slash=None): """Take a chord written in shorthand and return the notes in the chord. The function can recognize triads, sevenths, sixths, ninths, elevenths, thirteenths, slashed chords and a number of altered chords. The second argument should not be given and is only used for a recursive call when a slashed chord or polychord is found. See for a nice overview of chord patterns. Examples: >>> from_shorthand('Amin') ['A', 'C', 'E'] >>> from_shorthand('Am/M7') ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G#'] >>> from_shorthand('A') ['A', 'C#', 'E'] >>> from_shorthand('A/G') ['G', 'A', 'C#', 'E'] >>> from_shorthand('Dm|G') ['G', 'B', 'D', 'F', 'A'] Recognised abbreviations: the letters "m" and "M" in the following abbreviations can always be substituted by respectively "min", "mi" or "-" and "maj" or "ma". Example: >>> from_shorthand('Amin7') == from_shorthand('Am7') True Triads: 'm', 'M' or '', 'dim' Sevenths: 'm7', 'M7', '7', 'm7b5', 'dim7', 'm/M7' or 'mM7' Augmented chords: 'aug' or '+', '7#5' or 'M7+5', 'M7+', 'm7+', '7+' Suspended chords: 'sus4', 'sus2', 'sus47' or '7sus4', 'sus', '11', 'sus4b9' or 'susb9' Sixths: '6', 'm6', 'M6', '6/7' or '67', '6/9' or '69' Ninths: '9' or 'add9', 'M9', 'm9', '7b9', '7#9' Elevenths: '11' or 'add11', '7#11', 'm11' Thirteenths: '13' or 'add13', 'M13', 'm13' Altered chords: '7b5', '7b9', '7#9', '67' or '6/7' Special: '5', 'NC', 'hendrix' """ # warning reduce?? if type(shorthand_string) == list: res = [] for x in shorthand_string: res.append(from_shorthand(x)) return res if shorthand_string in ['NC', 'N.C.']: return [] # Shrink shorthand_string to a format recognised by chord_shorthand shorthand_string = shorthand_string.replace('min', 'm') shorthand_string = shorthand_string.replace('mi', 'm') shorthand_string = shorthand_string.replace('-', 'm') shorthand_string = shorthand_string.replace('maj', 'M') shorthand_string = shorthand_string.replace('ma', 'M') # Get the note name if not notes.is_valid_note(shorthand_string[0]): raise NoteFormatError, "Unrecognised note '%s' in chord '%s'"\ % (shorthand_string[0], shorthand_string) name = shorthand_string[0] # Look for accidentals for n in shorthand_string[1:]: if n == '#': name += n elif n == 'b': name += n else: break # Look for slashes and polychords '|' slash_index = -1 s = 0 rest_of_string = shorthand_string[len(name):] for n in rest_of_string: if n == '/': slash_index = s elif n == '|': # Generate polychord return from_shorthand(shorthand_string[:len(name) + s], from_shorthand(shorthand_string[len(name) + s + 1:])) s += 1 # Generate slash chord if slash_index != -1 and rest_of_string not in ['m/M7', '6/9', '6/7']: res = shorthand_string[:len(name) + slash_index] return from_shorthand(shorthand_string[:len(name) + slash_index], shorthand_string[len(name) + slash_index + 1:]) shorthand_start = len(name) short_chord = shorthand_string[shorthand_start:] if chord_shorthand.has_key(short_chord): res = chord_shorthand[short_chord](name) if slash != None: # Add slashed chords if type(slash) == str: if notes.is_valid_note(slash): res = [slash] + res else: raise NoteFormatError, \ "Unrecognised note '%s' in slash chord'%s'" % (slash, slash + shorthand_string) elif type(slash) == list: # Add polychords r = slash for n in res: if n != r[-1]: r.append(n) return r return res else: raise FormatError, 'Unknown shorthand: %s' % shorthand_string
[docs]def determine(chord, shorthand=False, no_inversions=False, no_polychords=False): """Name a chord. This function can determine almost every chord, from a simple triad to a fourteen note polychord.""" if chord == []: return [] elif len(chord) == 1: return chord elif len(chord) == 2: return [intervals.determine(chord[0], chord[1])] elif len(chord) == 3: return determine_triad(chord, shorthand, no_inversions, no_polychords) elif len(chord) == 4: return determine_seventh(chord, shorthand, no_inversions, no_polychords) elif len(chord) == 5: return determine_extended_chord5(chord, shorthand, no_inversions, no_polychords) elif len(chord) == 6: return determine_extended_chord6(chord, shorthand, no_inversions, no_polychords) elif len(chord) == 7: return determine_extended_chord7(chord, shorthand, no_inversions, no_polychords) else: return determine_polychords(chord, shorthand)
[docs]def determine_triad(triad, shorthand=False, no_inversions=False, placeholder=None): """Name the triad; return answers in a list. The third argument should not be given. If shorthand is True the answers will be in abbreviated form. This function can determine major, minor, diminished and suspended triads. Also knows about invertions. Examples: >>> determine_triad(['A', 'C', 'E']) 'A minor triad' >>> determine_triad(['C', 'E', 'A']) 'A minor triad, first inversion' >>> determine_triad(['A', 'C', 'E'], True) 'Am' """ if len(triad) != 3: # warning: raise exception: not a triad return False def inversion_exhauster(triad, shorthand, tries, result): """Run tries every inversion and save the result.""" intval1 = intervals.determine(triad[0], triad[1], True) intval2 = intervals.determine(triad[0], triad[2], True) def add_result(short): result.append((short, tries, triad[0])) intval = intval1 + intval2 if intval == '25': add_result('sus2') elif intval == '3b7': add_result('dom7') # changed from just '7' elif intval == '3b5': add_result('7b5') # why not b5? elif intval == '35': add_result('M') elif intval == '3#5': add_result('aug') elif intval == '36': add_result('M6') elif intval == '37': add_result('M7') elif intval == 'b3b5': add_result('dim') elif intval == 'b35': add_result('m') elif intval == 'b36': add_result('m6') elif intval == 'b3b7': add_result('m7') elif intval == 'b37': add_result('m/M7') elif intval == '45': add_result('sus4') elif intval == '5b7': add_result('m7') elif intval == '57': add_result('M7') if tries != 3 and not no_inversions: return inversion_exhauster([triad[-1]] + triad[:-1], shorthand, tries + 1, result) else: res = [] for r in result: if shorthand: res.append(r[2] + r[0]) else: res.append(r[2] + chord_shorthand_meaning[r[0]] + int_desc(r[1])) return res return inversion_exhauster(triad, shorthand, 1, [])
[docs]def determine_seventh(seventh, shorthand=False, no_inversion=False, no_polychords=False): """Determine the type of seventh chord; return the results in a list, ordered on inversions. This function expects seventh to be a list of 4 notes. If shorthand is set to True, results will be returned in chord shorthand ('Cmin7', etc.); inversions will be dropped in that case. Example: >>> determine_seventh(['C', 'E', 'G', 'B']) ['C major seventh'] """ if len(seventh) != 4: # warning raise exception: seventh chord is not a seventh chord return False def inversion_exhauster(seventh, shorthand, tries, result, polychords): """Determine sevenths recursive functions.""" # Check whether the first three notes of seventh are part of some triad. triads = determine_triad(seventh[:3], True, True) # Get the interval between the first and last note intval3 = intervals.determine(seventh[0], seventh[3]) def add_result(short, poly=False): """Helper function.""" result.append((short, tries, seventh[0], poly)) # Recognizing polychords if tries == 1 and not no_polychords: polychords = polychords + determine_polychords(seventh, shorthand) # Recognizing sevenths for triad in triads: # Basic triads triad = triad[len(seventh[0]):] if triad == 'm': if intval3 == 'minor seventh': add_result('m7') elif intval3 == 'major seventh': add_result('m/M7') elif intval3 == 'major sixth': add_result('m6') elif triad == 'M': if intval3 == 'major seventh': add_result('M7') elif intval3 == 'minor seventh': add_result('7') elif intval3 == 'major sixth': add_result('M6') elif triad == 'dim': if intval3 == 'minor seventh': add_result('m7b5') elif intval3 == 'diminished seventh': add_result('dim7') elif triad == 'aug': if intval3 == 'minor seventh': add_result('m7+') if intval3 == 'major seventh': add_result('M7+') elif triad == 'sus4': if intval3 == 'minor seventh': add_result('sus47') elif intval3 == 'minor second': add_result('sus4b9') elif triad == 'm7': # Other if intval3 == 'perfect fourth': add_result('11') elif triad == '7b5': if intval3 == 'minor seventh': add_result('7b5') if tries != 4 and not no_inversion: return inversion_exhauster([seventh[-1]] + seventh[:-1], shorthand, tries + 1, result, polychords) else: # Return results res = [] # Reset seventh seventh = [seventh[3]] + seventh[0:3] for x in result: if shorthand: res.append(x[2] + x[0]) else: res.append(x[2] + chord_shorthand_meaning[x[0]] + int_desc(x[1])) return res + polychords return inversion_exhauster(seventh, shorthand, 1, [], [])
[docs]def determine_extended_chord5(chord, shorthand=False, no_inversions=False, no_polychords=False): """Determine the names of an extended chord.""" if len(chord) != 5: # warning raise exeption: not an extended chord return False def inversion_exhauster(chord, shorthand, tries, result, polychords): """Recursive helper function.""" def add_result(short): result.append((short, tries, chord[0])) triads = determine_triad(chord[:3], True, True) sevenths = determine_seventh(chord[:4], True, True, True) # Determine polychords if tries == 1 and not no_polychords: polychords += determine_polychords(chord, shorthand) intval4 = intervals.determine(chord[0], chord[4]) for seventh in sevenths: seventh = seventh[len(chord[0]):] if seventh == 'M7': if intval4 == 'major second': add_result('M9') elif seventh == 'm7': if intval4 == 'major second': add_result('m9') elif intval4 == 'perfect fourth': add_result('m11') elif seventh == '7': if intval4 == 'major second': add_result('9') elif intval4 == 'minor second': add_result('7b9') elif intval4 == 'augmented second': add_result('7#9') elif intval4 == 'minor third': add_result('7b12') elif intval4 == 'augmented fourth': add_result('7#11') elif intval4 == 'major sixth': add_result('13') elif seventh == 'M6': if intval4 == 'major second': add_result('6/9') elif intval4 == 'minor seventh': add_result('6/7') if tries != 5 and not no_inversions: return inversion_exhauster([chord[-1]] + chord[:-1], shorthand, tries + 1, result, polychords) else: res = [] for r in result: if shorthand: res.append(r[2] + r[0]) else: res.append(r[2] + chord_shorthand_meaning[r[0]] + int_desc(r[1])) return res + polychords return inversion_exhauster(chord, shorthand, 1, [], [])
[docs]def determine_extended_chord6(chord, shorthand=False, no_inversions=False, no_polychords=False): """Determine the names of an 6 note chord.""" if len(chord) != 6: # warning raise exeption: not an extended chord return False def inversion_exhauster( chord, shorthand, tries, result, polychords, ): """Recursive helper function""" # Determine polychords if tries == 1 and not no_polychords: polychords += determine_polychords(chord, shorthand) def add_result(short): result.append((short, tries, chord[0])) ch = determine_extended_chord5(chord[:5], True, True, True) intval5 = intervals.determine(chord[0], chord[5]) for c in ch: c = c[len(chord[0]):] if c == '9': if intval5 == 'perfect fourth': add_result('11') elif intval5 == 'augmented fourth': add_result('7#11') elif intval5 == 'major sixth': add_result('13') elif c == 'm9': if intval5 == 'perfect fourth': add_result('m11') elif intval5 == 'major sixth': add_result('m13') elif c == 'M9': if intval5 == 'perfect fourth': add_result('M11') elif intval5 == 'major sixth': add_result('M13') if tries != 6 and not no_inversions: return inversion_exhauster([chord[-1]] + chord[:-1], shorthand, tries + 1, result, polychords) else: res = [] for r in result: if shorthand: res.append(r[2] + r[0]) else: res.append(r[2] + chord_shorthand_meaning[r[0]] + int_desc(r[1])) return res + polychords return inversion_exhauster(chord, shorthand, 1, [], [])
[docs]def determine_extended_chord7(chord, shorthand=False, no_inversions=False, no_polychords=False): """Determine the names of an 7 note chord.""" if len(chord) != 7: # warning raise exeption: not an extended chord return False def inversion_exhauster(chord, shorthand, tries, result, polychords): """Recursive helper function.""" # Determine polychords if tries == 1 and not no_polychords: polychords += determine_polychords(chord, shorthand) def add_result(short): result.append((short, tries, chord[0])) ch = determine_extended_chord6(chord[:6], True, True, True) intval6 = intervals.determine(chord[0], chord[6]) for c in ch: c = c[len(chord[0]):] if c == '11': if intval6 == 'major sixth': add_result('13') elif c == 'm11': if intval6 == 'major sixth': add_result('m13') elif c == 'M11': if intval6 == 'major sixth': add_result('M13') if tries != 6: return inversion_exhauster([chord[-1]] + chord[:-1], shorthand, tries + 1, result, polychords) else: res = [] for r in result: if shorthand: res.append(r[2] + r[0]) else: res.append(r[2] + chord_shorthand_meaning[r[0]] + int_desc(r[1])) return res + polychords return inversion_exhauster(chord, shorthand, 1, [], [])
[docs]def int_desc(tries): """Return the inversion of the triad in a string.""" if tries == 1: return '' elif tries == 2: return ', first inversion' elif tries == 3: return ', second inversion' elif tries == 4: return ', third inversion'
[docs]def determine_polychords(chord, shorthand=False): """Determine the polychords in chord. This function can handle anything from polychords based on two triads to 6 note extended chords. """ polychords = [] function_list = [determine_triad, determine_seventh, determine_extended_chord5, determine_extended_chord6, determine_extended_chord7] # Range tracking. if len(chord) <= 3: return [] elif len(chord) > 14: return [] elif len(chord) - 3 <= 5: function_nr = range(0, len(chord) - 3) else: function_nr = range(0, 5) for f in function_nr: for f2 in function_nr: # The clever part: Try the function_list[f] on the len(chord) - (3 + # f) last notes of the chord. Then try the function_list[f2] on the # f2 + 3 first notes of the chord. Thus, trying all possible # combinations. for chord1 in function_list[f](chord[len(chord) - (3 + f):], True, True, True): for chord2 in function_list[f2](chord[:f2 + 3], True, True, True): polychords.append('%s|%s' % (chord1, chord2)) if shorthand: for p in polychords: p = p + ' polychord' return polychords # A dictionairy that can be used to present chord abbreviations. This # dictionairy is also used in from_shorthand()
chord_shorthand = { # Triads Augmented chords Suspended chords Sevenths Sixths # Ninths Elevenths Thirteenths Altered Chords Special 'm': minor_triad, 'M': major_triad, '': major_triad, 'dim': diminished_triad, 'aug': augmented_triad, '+': augmented_triad, '7#5': augmented_minor_seventh, 'M7+5': augmented_minor_seventh, 'M7+': augmented_major_seventh, 'm7+': augmented_minor_seventh, '7+': augmented_major_seventh, 'sus47': suspended_seventh, 'sus4': suspended_fourth_triad, 'sus2': suspended_second_triad, 'sus': suspended_triad, '11': eleventh, 'sus4b9': suspended_fourth_ninth, 'susb9': suspended_fourth_ninth, 'm7': minor_seventh, 'M7': major_seventh, '7': dominant_seventh, 'dom7': dominant_seventh, 'm7b5': minor_seventh_flat_five, 'dim7': diminished_seventh, 'm/M7': minor_major_seventh, 'mM7': minor_major_seventh, 'm6': minor_sixth, 'M6': major_sixth, '6': major_sixth, '6/7': dominant_sixth, '67': dominant_sixth, '6/9': sixth_ninth, '69': sixth_ninth, '9': dominant_ninth, '7b9': dominant_flat_ninth, '7#9': dominant_sharp_ninth, 'M9': major_ninth, 'm9': minor_ninth, '7#11': lydian_dominant_seventh, 'm11': minor_eleventh, 'M13': major_thirteenth, 'm13': minor_thirteenth, '13': dominant_thirteenth, '7b5': dominant_flat_five, 'hendrix': hendrix_chord, '7b12': hendrix_chord, '5': lambda x: [x, intervals.perfect_fifth(x)] }