Source code for mingus.core.scales

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    mingus - Music theory Python package, scales module.
#    Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Bart Spaans
#    Copyright (C) 2011, Carlo Stemberger
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Module for dealing with scales.

The scales module allows you to create a plethora of scales. Here's a
little overview:

The diatonic scales
 * Diatonic(note, semitones)

Ancient scales
 * Ionian(note)
 * Dorian(note)
 * Phrygian(note)
 * Lydian(note)
 * Mixolydian(note)
 * Aeolian(note)
 * Locrian(note)

The major scales
 * Major(note)
 * HarmonicMajor(note)

The minor scales
 * NaturalMinor(note)
 * HarmonicMinor(note)
 * MelodicMinor(note)
 * Bachian(note)
 * MinorNeapolitan(note)

Other scales
 * Chromatic(note)
 * WholeTone(note)
 * Octatonic(note)

import intervals
from notes import augment, diminish, reduce_accidentals
from keys import keys, get_notes
from mt_exceptions import NoteFormatError, FormatError, RangeError

[docs]def determine(notes): """Determine the scales containing the notes. All major and minor scales are recognized. Example: >>> determine(['A', 'Bb', 'E', 'F#', 'G']) ['G melodic minor', 'G Bachian', 'D harmonic major'] """ notes = set(notes) res = [] for key in keys: for scale in _Scale.__subclasses__(): if scale.type == 'major': if (notes <= set(scale(key[0]).ascending()) or notes <= set(scale(key[0]).descending())): res.append(scale(key[0]).name) elif scale.type == 'minor': if (notes <= set(scale(get_notes(key[1])[0]).ascending()) or notes <= set(scale(get_notes(key[1])[0]).descending())): res.append(scale(get_notes(key[1])[0]).name) return res
[docs]class _Scale(object): """General class implementing general methods. Not to be used by the final user. """
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves): if note.islower(): raise NoteFormatError("Unrecognised note '%s'" % note) self.tonic = note self.octaves = octaves
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "<Scale object ('{0}')>".format(
[docs] def __str__(self): return 'Ascending: {0}\nDescending: {1}'.format( ' '.join(self.ascending()), ' '.join(self.descending()))
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): if self.ascending() == other.ascending(): if self.descending() == other.descending(): return True return False
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def __len__(self): return len(self.ascending())
[docs] def ascending(self): """Return the list of ascending notes.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def descending(self): """Return the list of descending notes.""" return list(reversed(self.ascending()))
[docs] def degree(self, degree_number, direction='a'): """Return the asked scale degree. The direction of the scale is 'a' for ascending (default) and 'd' for descending. """ if degree_number < 1: raise RangeError("degree '%s' out of range" % degree_number) if direction == 'a': notes = self.ascending()[:-1] return notes[degree_number-1] elif direction == 'd': notes = reversed(self.descending())[:-1] return notes[degree_number-1] else: raise FormatError("Unrecognised direction '%s'" % direction) # The diatonic scales
[docs]class Diatonic(_Scale): """The diatonic scale. Example: >>> print Diatonic('C', (3, 7)) Ascending: C D E F G A B C Descending: C B A G F E D C """ type = 'diatonic'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, semitones, octaves=1): """Create the diatonic scale starting on the chosen note. The second parameter is a tuple representing the position of semitones. """ super(Diatonic, self).__init__(note, octaves) self.semitones = semitones = '{0} diatonic, semitones in {1}'.format(self.tonic, self.semitones)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = [self.tonic] for n in range(1, 7): if n in self.semitones: notes.append(intervals.minor_second(notes[-1])) else: notes.append(intervals.major_second(notes[-1])) return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]] # Ancient scales
[docs]class Ionian(_Scale): """The ionian scale. Example: >>> print Ionian('C') Ascending: C D E F G A B C Descending: C B A G F E D C """ type = 'ancient'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves=1): """Create the ionian mode scale starting on the chosen note.""" super(Ionian, self).__init__(note, octaves) = '{0} ionian'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = Diatonic(self.tonic, (3, 7)).ascending()[:-1] return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]
[docs]class Dorian(_Scale): """The dorian scale. Example: >>> print Dorian('D') Ascending: D E F G A B C D Descending: D C B A G F E D """ type = 'ancient'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves=1): """Create the dorian mode scale starting on the chosen note.""" super(Dorian, self).__init__(note, octaves) = '{0} dorian'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = Diatonic(self.tonic, (2, 6)).ascending()[:-1] return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]
[docs]class Phrygian(_Scale): """The phrygian scale. Example: >>> print Phrygian('E') Ascending: E F G A B C D E Descending: E D C B A G F E """ type = 'ancient'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves=1): """Create the phrygian mode scale starting on the chosen note.""" super(Phrygian, self).__init__(note, octaves) = '{0} phrygian'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = Diatonic(self.tonic, (1, 5)).ascending()[:-1] return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]
[docs]class Lydian(_Scale): """The lydian scale. Example: >>> print Lydian('F') Ascending: F G A B C D E F Descending: F E D C B A G F """ type = 'ancient'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves=1): """Create the lydian mode scale starting on the chosen note.""" super(Lydian, self).__init__(note, octaves) = '{0} lydian'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = Diatonic(self.tonic, (4, 7)).ascending()[:-1] return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]
[docs]class Mixolydian(_Scale): """The mixolydian scale. Example: >>> print Mixolydian('G') Ascending: G A B C D E F G Descending: G F E D C B A G """ type = 'ancient'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves=1): """Create the mixolydian mode scale starting on the chosen note.""" super(Mixolydian, self).__init__(note, octaves) = '{0} mixolydian'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = Diatonic(self.tonic, (3, 6)).ascending()[:-1] return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]
[docs]class Aeolian(_Scale): """The aeolian scale. Example: >>> print Aeolian('A') Ascending: A B C D E F G A Descending: A G F E D C B A """ type = 'ancient'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves=1): """Create the aeolian mode scale starting on the chosen note.""" super(Aeolian, self).__init__(note, octaves) = '{0} aeolian'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = Diatonic(self.tonic, (2, 5)).ascending()[:-1] return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]
[docs]class Locrian(_Scale): """The locrian scale. Example: >>> print Locrian('B') Ascending: B C D E F G A B Descending: B A G F E D C B """ type = 'ancient'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves=1): """Create the locrian mode scale starting on the chosen note.""" super(Locrian, self).__init__(note, octaves) = '{0} locrian'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = Diatonic(self.tonic, (1, 4)).ascending()[:-1] return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]] # The major scales
[docs]class Major(_Scale): """The major scale. Example: >>> print Major('A') Ascending: A B C# D E F# G# A Descending: A G# F# E D C# B A """ type = 'major'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves=1): """Create the major scale starting on the chosen note.""" super(Major, self).__init__(note, octaves) = '{0} major'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = get_notes(self.tonic) return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]
[docs]class HarmonicMajor(_Scale): """The harmonic major scale. Example: >>> print HarmonicMajor('C') Ascending: C D E F G Ab B C Descending: C B Ab G F E D C """ type = 'major'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves=1): """Create the harmonic major scale starting on the chosen note.""" super(HarmonicMajor, self).__init__(note, octaves) = '{0} harmonic major'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = Major(self.tonic).ascending()[:-1] notes[5] = diminish(notes[5]) return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]] # The minor scales
[docs]class NaturalMinor(_Scale): """The natural minor scale. Example: >>> print NaturalMinor('A') Ascending: A B C D E F G A Descending: A G F E D C B A """ type = 'minor'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves=1): """Return the natural minor scale starting on the chosen note.""" super(NaturalMinor, self).__init__(note, octaves) = '{0} natural minor'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = get_notes(self.tonic.lower()) return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]
[docs]class HarmonicMinor(_Scale): """The harmonic minor scale. Example: >>> print HarmonicMinor('A') Ascending: A B C D E F G# A Descending: A G# F E D C B A """ type = 'minor'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves=1): """Create the harmonic minor scale starting on the chosen note.""" super(HarmonicMinor, self).__init__(note, octaves) = '{0} harmonic minor'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = NaturalMinor(self.tonic).ascending()[:-1] notes[6] = augment(notes[6]) return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]
[docs]class MelodicMinor(_Scale): """The melodic minor scale. Example: >>> print MelodicMinor('A') Ascending: A B C D E F# G# A Descending: A G F E D C B A """ type = 'minor'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves=1): """Create the melodic minor scale starting on the chosen note.""" super(MelodicMinor, self).__init__(note, octaves) = '{0} melodic minor'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = NaturalMinor(self.tonic).ascending()[:-1] notes[5] = augment(notes[5]) notes[6] = augment(notes[6]) return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]
[docs] def descending(self): notes = NaturalMinor(self.tonic).descending()[:-1] return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]
[docs]class Bachian(_Scale): """The Bachian scale. Example: >>> print Bachian('A') Ascending: A B C D E F# G# A Descending: A G# F# E D C B A """ type = 'minor'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves=1): """Create the Bachian (also known as "real melodic minor" and "jazz") scale starting on the chosen note.""" super(Bachian, self).__init__(note, octaves) = '{0} Bachian'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = MelodicMinor(self.tonic).ascending()[:-1] return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]
[docs]class MinorNeapolitan(_Scale): """The minor Neapolitan scale. Example: >>> print MinorNeapolitan('A') Ascending: A Bb C D E F G# A Descending: A G F E D C Bb A """ type = 'minor'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves=1): """Create the minor Neapolitan scale starting on the chosen note.""" super(MinorNeapolitan, self).__init__(note, octaves) = '{0} minor Neapolitan'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = HarmonicMinor(self.tonic).ascending()[:-1] notes[1] = diminish(notes[1]) return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]
[docs] def descending(self): notes = NaturalMinor(self.tonic).descending()[:-1] notes[6] = diminish(notes[6]) return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]] # Other scales
[docs]class Chromatic(_Scale): """The chromatic scale. Examples: >>> print Chromatic('C') Ascending: C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C Descending: C B Bb A Ab G Gb F E Eb D Db C >>> print Chromatic('f') Ascending: F F# G Ab A Bb B C Db D Eb E F Descending: F E Eb D Db C B Bb A Ab G Gb F """ type = 'other'
[docs] def __init__(self, key, octaves=1): """Create the chromatic scale in the chosen key.""" self.key = key self.tonic = get_notes(key)[0] self.octaves = octaves = '{0} chromatic'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = [self.tonic] for note in get_notes(self.key)[1:] + [self.tonic]: if intervals.determine(notes[-1], note) == ('major second'): notes.append(augment(notes[-1])) notes.append(note) else: notes.append(note) notes.pop() return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]
[docs] def descending(self): notes = [self.tonic] for note in reversed(get_notes(self.key)): if intervals.determine(note, notes[-1]) == ('major second'): notes.append(reduce_accidentals(diminish(notes[-1]))) notes.append(note) else: notes.append(note) notes.pop() return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]
[docs]class WholeTone(_Scale): """The whole tone scale. Example: >>> print WholeTone('C') Ascending: C D E F# G# A# C Descending: C A# G# F# E D C """ type = 'other'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves=1): """Create the whole tone scale starting on the chosen note.""" super(WholeTone, self).__init__(note, octaves) = '{0} whole tone'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = [self.tonic] for note in range(5): notes.append(intervals.major_second(notes[-1])) return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]
[docs]class Octatonic(_Scale): """The octatonic scale. Example: >>> print Octatonic('C') Ascending: C D Eb F Gb Ab A B C Descending: C B A Ab Gb F Eb D C """ type = 'other'
[docs] def __init__(self, note, octaves=1): """Create the octatonic (also known as "diminshed") scale starting on the chosen note.""" super(Octatonic, self).__init__(note, octaves) = '{0} octatonic'.format(self.tonic)
[docs] def ascending(self): notes = [self.tonic] for i in range(3): notes.extend( [intervals.major_second(notes[-1]), intervals.minor_third(notes[-1])]) notes.append(intervals.major_seventh(notes[0])) notes[-2] = intervals.major_sixth(notes[0]) return notes * self.octaves + [notes[0]]