Source code for mingus.extra.tablature

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    mingus - Music theory Python package, tablature module.
#    Copyright (C) 2009, Bart Spaans
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Functions to convert mingus.containers to pretty ASCII tablature."""

import mingus.extra.tunings as tunings
from mingus.core.mt_exceptions import RangeError, FingerError
import os

default_tuning = tunings.get_tuning('Guitar', 'Standard', 6, 1)

[docs]def begin_track(tuning, padding=2): """Helper function that builds the first few characters of every bar.""" # find longest shorthand tuning base names = [x.to_shorthand() for x in tuning.tuning] basesize = len(max(names)) + 3 # Build result res = [] for x in names: r = ' %s' % x spaces = basesize - len(r) r += ' ' * spaces + '||' + '-' * padding res.append(r) return res
[docs]def add_headers(width=80, title='Untitled', subtitle='', author='', email='', description='', tunings=[]): """Create a nice header in the form of a list of strings using the information that has been filled in. All arguments except 'width' and 'tunings' should be strings. 'width' should be an integer and 'tunings' a list of tunings representing the instruments. """ result = [''] title = str.upper(title) result += [' '.join(title), width)] if subtitle != '': result += ['',, width)] if author != '' or email != '': result += ['', ''] if email != '': result += ['Written by: %s <%s>' % (author, email), width)] else: result += ['Written by: %s' % author, width)] if description != '': result += ['', ''] words = description.split() lines = [] line = [] last = 0 for word in words: if len(word) + last < width - 10: line.append(word) last += len(word) + 1 else: lines.append(line) line = [word] last = len(word) + 1 lines.append(line) for line in lines: result += [' '.join(line), width)] if tunings != []: result += ['', '','Instruments', width)] for (i, tuning) in enumerate(tunings): result += ['','%d. %s' % (i + 1, tuning.instrument), width),, width)] result += ['', ''] return result
[docs]def from_Note(note, width=80, tuning=None): """Return a string made out of ASCII tablature representing a Note object or note string. Throw a RangeError if a suitable fret can't be found. 'tuning' should be a StringTuning object or None for the default tuning. To force a certain fingering you can use a 'string' and 'fret' attribute on the Note. If the fingering is valid, it will get used instead of the default one. """ if tuning is None: tuning = default_tuning result = begin_track(tuning) min = 1000 (s, f) = (-1, -1) # Do an attribute check if hasattr(note, 'string') and hasattr(note, 'fret'): n = tuning.get_Note(note.string, note.fret) if n is not None and int(n) == int(note): (s, f) = (note.string, note.fret) min = 0 if min == 1000: for (string, fret) in enumerate(tuning.find_frets(note)): if fret is not None: if fret < min: min = fret (s, f) = (string, fret) l = len(result[0]) w = max(4, (width - l) - 1) # Build ASCII if min != 1000: fret = str(f) for i in range(len(result)): d = len(fret) if i != s: result[i] += '-' * w + '|' else: d = w - len(fret) result[i] += '-' * (d / 2) + fret d = (w - d / 2) - len(fret) result[i] += '-' * d + '|' else: raise RangeError("No fret found that could play note '%s'. " "Note out of range." % note) result.reverse() return os.linesep.join(result)
[docs]def from_NoteContainer(notes, width=80, tuning=None): """Return a string made out of ASCII tablature representing a NoteContainer object or list of note strings / Note objects. Throw a FingerError if no playable fingering can be found. 'tuning' should be a StringTuning object or None for the default tuning. To force a certain fingering you can use a 'string' and 'fret' attribute on one or more of the Notes. If the fingering is valid, it will get used instead of the default one. """ if tuning is None: tuning = default_tuning result = begin_track(tuning) l = len(result[0]) w = max(4, (width - l) - 1) fingerings = tuning.find_fingering(notes) if fingerings != []: # Do an attribute check f = [] attr = [] for note in notes: if hasattr(note, 'string') and hasattr(note, 'fret'): n = tuning.get_Note(note.string, note.fret) if n is not None and int(n) == int(note): f += (note.string, note.fret) attr.append(int(note)) # See if there are any possible fingerings with the attributes # that are set. fres = [] if f != []: for x in fingerings: found = True for pos in f: if pos not in x: found = False if found: fres.append(x) # Use best fingering. if fres != []: f = fres[0] else: # Use default fingering if attributes don't make sense f = fingerings[0] # Build {string: fret} result res = {} for (string, fret) in f: res[string] = str(fret) maxfret = max(res.values()) # Produce ASCII for i in range(len(result)): if i not in res.keys(): result[i] += '-' * w + '|' else: d = w - len(res[i]) result[i] += '-' * (d / 2) + res[i] d = (w - d / 2) - len(res[i]) result[i] += '-' * d + '|' else: raise FingerError('No playable fingering found for: %s' % notes) result.reverse() return os.linesep.join(result)
[docs]def from_Bar(bar, width=40, tuning=None, collapse=True): """Convert a mingus.containers.Bar object to ASCII tablature. Throw a FingerError if no playable fingering can be found. 'tuning' should be a StringTuning object or None for the default tuning. If 'collapse' is False this will return a list of lines, if it's True all lines will be concatenated with a newline symbol. Use 'string' and 'fret' attributes on Notes to force certain fingerings. """ if tuning is None: tuning = default_tuning # Size of a quarter note qsize = _get_qsize(tuning, width) result = begin_track(tuning, max(2, qsize / 2)) # Add bar for entry in (beat, duration, notes) = entry fingering = tuning.find_fingering(notes) if fingering != [] or notes is None: # Do an attribute check f = [] attr = [] if notes is not None: for note in notes: if hasattr(note, 'string') and hasattr(note, 'fret'): n = tuning.get_Note(note.string, note.fret) if n is not None and int(n) == int(note): f.append((note.string, note.fret)) attr.append(int(note)) # See if there are any possible fingerings with the attributes that # are set. fres = [] if f != []: for x in fingering: found = True for pos in f: if pos not in x: found = False if found: fres.append(x) # Use best fingering. maxlen = 0 if fres != []: f = fres[0] else: # Use default fingering if attributes don't make sense if notes is None: f = [] maxlen = 1 else: f = fingering[0] # Make {string: fret} dictionary and find highest fret d = {} for (string, fret) in f: d[string] = str(fret) if len(str(fret)) > maxlen: maxlen = len(str(fret)) # Add to result for i in range(len(result)): dur = int(((1.0 / duration) * qsize) * 4) - maxlen if i not in d.keys(): result[i] += '-' * maxlen + '-' * dur else: result[i] += ('%' + str(maxlen) + 's') % d[i] + '-' * dur else: raise FingerError('No playable fingering found for: %s' % notes) # Padding at the end l = len(result[i]) + 1 for i in range(len(result)): result[i] += (width - l) * '-' + '|' result.reverse() # Mark quarter notes pad = ' ' * int(((1.0 / bar.meter[1]) * qsize) * 4 - 1) r = ' ' * (result[0].find('||') + 2 + max(2, qsize / 2)) + ('*' + pad)\ * bar.meter[0] r += ' ' * (len(result[0]) - len(r)) if not collapse: return [r] + result else: return os.linesep.join([r] + result)
[docs]def from_Track(track, maxwidth=80, tuning=None): """Convert a mingus.containers.Track object to an ASCII tablature string. 'tuning' should be set to a StringTuning object or to None to use the Track's tuning (or alternatively the default if the Track hasn't got its own tuning). 'string' and 'fret' attributes on Notes are taken into account. """ result = [] width = _get_width(maxwidth) if not tuning: tuning = track.get_tuning() lastlen = 0 for bar in track: r = from_Bar(bar, width, tuning, collapse=False) barstart = r[1].find('||') + 2 if (len(r[0]) + lastlen) - barstart < maxwidth and result != []: for i in range(1, len(r) + 1): item = r[len(r) - i] result[-i] += item[barstart:] else: result += ['', ''] + r lastlen = len(result[-1]) return os.linesep.join(result)
[docs]def from_Composition(composition, width=80): """Convert a mingus.containers.Composition to an ASCII tablature string. Automatically add an header based on the title, subtitle, author, e-mail and description attributes. An extra description of the piece can also be given. Tunings can be set by using the Track.instrument.tuning or Track.tuning attribute. """ # Collect tunings instr_tunings = [] for track in composition: tun = track.get_tuning() if tun: instr_tunings.append(tun) else: instr_tunings.append(default_tuning) result = add_headers( width, composition.title, composition.subtitle,,, composition.description, instr_tunings, ) # Some variables w = _get_width(width) barindex = 0 bars = width / w lastlen = 0 maxlen = max([len(x) for x in composition.tracks]) while barindex < maxlen: notfirst = False for tracks in composition: tuning = tracks.get_tuning() ascii = [] for x in xrange(bars): if barindex + x < len(tracks): bar = tracks[barindex + x] r = from_Bar(bar, w, tuning, collapse=False) barstart = r[1].find('||') + 2 # Add extra '||' to quarter note marks to connect tracks. if notfirst: r[0] = (r[0])[:barstart - 2] + '||' + (r[0])[barstart:] # Add bar to ascii if ascii != []: for i in range(1, len(r) + 1): item = r[len(r) - i] ascii[-i] += item[barstart:] else: ascii += r # Add extra '||' to connect tracks if notfirst and ascii != []: pad = ascii[-1].find('||') result += [' ' * pad + '||', ' ' * pad + '||'] else: notfirst = True # Finally, add ascii to result result += ascii result += ['', '', ''] barindex += bars return os.linesep.join(result)
[docs]def from_Suite(suite, maxwidth=80): """Convert a mingus.containers.Suite to an ASCII tablature string, complete with headers. This function makes use of the Suite's title, subtitle, author, email and description attributes. """ subtitle = str(len(suite.compositions)) + ' Compositions' if suite.subtitle\ == '' else suite.subtitle result = os.linesep.join(add_headers( maxwidth, suite.title, subtitle,,, suite.description, )) hr = maxwidth * '=' n = os.linesep result = n + hr + n + result + n + hr + n + n for comp in suite: c = from_Composition(comp, maxwidth) result += c + n + hr + n + n return result
[docs]def _get_qsize(tuning, width): """Return a reasonable quarter note size for 'tuning' and 'width'.""" names = [x.to_shorthand() for x in tuning.tuning] basesize = len(max(names)) + 3 barsize = ((width - basesize) - 2) - 1 # x * 4 + 0.5x - barsize = 0 4.5x = barsize x = barsize / 4.5 return max(0, int(barsize / 4.5))
[docs]def _get_width(maxwidth): """Return the width of a single bar, when width of the page is given.""" width = maxwidth / 3 if maxwidth <= 60: width = maxwidth elif 60 < maxwidth <= 120: width = maxwidth / 2 return width