Source code for mingus.midi.fluidsynth

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    mingus - Music theory Python package, fluidsynth module.
#    Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Bart Spaans
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""FluidSynth support for mingus.

FluidSynth is a software MIDI synthesizer which allows you to play the
containers in mingus.containers real-time. To work with this module, you'll
need fluidsynth and a nice instrument collection (look here:, go to Sounds → Soundfont Library → Collections).

To start using FluidSynth with mingus, do:
>>> from mingus.midi import fluidsynth
>>> fluidsynth.init('soundfontlocation.sf2')

Now you are ready to play Notes, NoteContainers, etc.

from mingus.midi.sequencer import Sequencer
from mingus.containers.instrument import MidiInstrument
import pyfluidsynth as fs
import time
import wave

[docs]class FluidSynthSequencer(Sequencer): """A simple MidiSequencer for FluidSynth.""" output = None
[docs] def init(self): self.fs = fs.Synth()
[docs] def __del__(self): self.fs.delete()
[docs] def start_audio_output(self, driver=None): """Start the audio output. The optional driver argument can be any of 'alsa', 'oss', 'jack', 'portaudio', 'sndmgr', 'coreaudio', 'Direct Sound', 'dsound', 'pulseaudio'. Not all drivers will be available for every platform. """ self.fs.start(driver)
[docs] def start_recording(self, file='mingus_dump.wav'): """Initialize a new wave file for recording.""" w =, 'wb') w.setnchannels(2) w.setsampwidth(2) w.setframerate(44100) self.wav = w
[docs] def load_sound_font(self, sf2): """Load a sound font. Return True on success, False on failure. This function should be called before your audio can be played, since the instruments are kept in the sf2 file. """ self.sfid = self.fs.sfload(sf2) return not self.sfid == -1 # Implement Sequencer's interface
[docs] def play_event(self, note, channel, velocity): self.fs.noteon(channel, note, velocity)
[docs] def stop_event(self, note, channel): self.fs.noteoff(channel, note)
[docs] def cc_event(self, channel, control, value):, control, value)
[docs] def instr_event(self, channel, instr, bank): self.fs.program_select(channel, self.sfid, bank, instr)
[docs] def sleep(self, seconds): if hasattr(self, 'wav'): samples = fs.raw_audio_string(self.fs.get_samples( int(seconds * 44100))) self.wav.writeframes(''.join(samples)) else: time.sleep(seconds)
midi = FluidSynthSequencer() initialized = False
[docs]def init(sf2, driver=None, file=None): """Initialize the audio. Return True on success, False on failure. This function needs to be called before you can have any audio. The sf2 argument should be the location of a valid soundfont file. The optional driver argument can be any of 'alsa', 'oss', 'jack', 'portaudio', 'sndmgr', 'coreaudio' or 'Direct Sound'. If the file argument is not None, then instead of loading the driver, a new wave file will be initialized to store the audio data. """ global midi, initialized if not initialized: if file is not None: midi.start_recording(file) else: midi.start_audio_output(driver) if not midi.load_sound_font(sf2): return False midi.fs.program_reset() initialized = True return True
[docs]def play_Note(note, channel=1, velocity=100): """Convert a Note object to a 'midi on' command. The channel and velocity can be set as Note attributes as well. If that's the case those values take presedence over the ones given here as function arguments. Example: >>> n = Note('C', 4) >>> = 9 >>> n.velocity = 50 >>> FluidSynth.play_Note(n) """ return midi.play_Note(note, channel, velocity)
[docs]def stop_Note(note, channel=1): """Stop the Note playing at channel. If a channel attribute is set on the note, it will take presedence. """ return midi.stop_Note(note, channel)
[docs]def play_NoteContainer(nc, channel=1, velocity=100): """Use play_Note to play the Notes in the NoteContainer nc.""" return midi.play_NoteContainer(nc, channel, velocity)
[docs]def stop_NoteContainer(nc, channel=1): """Use stop_Note to stop the notes in NoteContainer nc.""" return midi.stop_NoteContainer(nc, channel)
[docs]def play_Bar(bar, channel=1, bpm=120): """Play a Bar object using play_NoteContainer and stop_NoteContainer. Set a bpm attribute on a NoteContainer to change the tempo. """ return midi.play_Bar(bar, channel, bpm)
[docs]def play_Bars(bars, channels, bpm=120): """Play a list of bars on the given list of channels. Set a bpm attribute on a NoteContainer to change the tempo. """ return midi.play_Bars(bars, channels, bpm)
[docs]def play_Track(track, channel=1, bpm=120): """Use play_Bar to play a Track object.""" return midi.play_Track(track, channel, bpm)
[docs]def play_Tracks(tracks, channels, bpm=120): """Use play_Bars to play a list of Tracks on the given list of channels.""" return midi.play_Tracks(tracks, channels, bpm)
[docs]def play_Composition(composition, channels=None, bpm=120): """Play a composition.""" return midi.play_Composition(composition, channels, bpm)
[docs]def control_change(channel, control, value): """Send a control change event on channel.""" return midi.control_change(channel, control, value)
def set_instrument(channel, midi_instr): """Set the midi instrument on channel.""" return midi.set_instrument(channel, midi_instr)
[docs]def stop_everything(): """Stop all the playing notes on all channels.""" return midi.stop_everything()
[docs]def modulation(channel, value): return midi.modulation(channel, value)
[docs]def pan(channel, value): return midi.pan(channel, value)
[docs]def main_volume(channel, value): return midi.main_volume(channel, value)
[docs]def set_instrument(channel, instr, bank=0): return midi.set_instrument(channel, instr, bank)