Source code for mingus.midi.midi_file_in

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    mingus - Music theory Python package, midi_file_in module.
#    Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Bart Spaans
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Read a MIDI file and convert it into mingus.containers objects."""

from mingus.containers.note import Note
from mingus.containers.note_container import NoteContainer
from import Bar
from mingus.containers.track import Track
from mingus.containers.composition import Composition
from mingus.containers.instrument import MidiInstrument
import mingus.core.notes as notes
import mingus.core.intervals as intervals
import binascii

[docs]def MIDI_to_Composition(file): """Convert a MIDI file to a mingus.containers.Composition and return it in a tuple with the last used tempo in beats per minute (this will change in the future). This function can raise all kinds of exceptions (IOError, HeaderError, TimeDivisionError, FormatError), so be sure to try and catch. """ m = MidiFile() return m.MIDI_to_Composition(file)
[docs]class HeaderError(Exception): pass
[docs]class TimeDivisionError(Exception): pass
[docs]class FormatError(Exception): pass
[docs]class MidiFile: """A class that parses a MIDI file.""" bpm = 120 meter = (4, 4) bytes_read = 0
[docs] def MIDI_to_Composition(self, file): (header, track_data) = self.parse_midi_file(file) c = Composition() if header[2]['fps']: print "Don't know how to parse this yet" return c ticks_per_beat = header[2]['ticks_per_beat'] for track in track_data: t = Track() b = Bar() metronome = 1 # Tick once every quarter note thirtyseconds = 8 # 8 thirtyseconds in a quarter note meter = (4, 4) key = 'C' for e in track: (deltatime, event) = e duration = float(deltatime) / (ticks_per_beat * 4.0) if duration != 0.0: duration = 1.0 / duration if len( > 0: current_length =[-1][1][-1][1] = duration if current_length - duration != 0: b.current_beat -= 1.0 / current_length b.current_beat += 1.0 / duration if not b.place_notes(NoteContainer(), duration): t + b b = Bar(key, meter) b.place_notes(NoteContainer(), duration) if event['event'] == 8: if deltatime == 0: pass elif event['event'] == 9: # note on n = Note(notes.int_to_note(event['param1'] % 12), event['param1'] / 12 - 1) = event['channel'] n.velocity = event['param2'] if len( > 0:[-1][2] + n else: b + n elif event['event'] == 10: # note aftertouch pass elif event['event'] == 11: # controller select pass elif event['event'] == 12: # program change i = MidiInstrument() i.instrument_nr = event['param1'] t.instrument = i elif event['event'] == 0x0f: # meta event Text if event['meta_event'] == 1: pass elif event['meta_event'] == 3: # Track name = event['data'] elif event['meta_event'] == 6: # Marker pass elif event['meta_event'] == 7: # Cue Point pass elif event['meta_event'] == 47: # End of Track pass elif event['meta_event'] == 81: # Set tempo warning Only the last change in bpm will get # saved currently mpqn = self.bytes_to_int(event['data']) bpm = 60000000 / mpqn elif event['meta_event'] == 88: # Time Signature d = event['data'] thirtyseconds = self.bytes_to_int(d[3]) metronome = self.bytes_to_int(d[2]) / 24.0 denom = 2 ** self.bytes_to_int(d[1]) numer = self.bytes_to_int(d[0]) meter = (numer, denom) b.set_meter(meter) elif event['meta_event'] == 89: # Key Signature d = event['data'] sharps = self.bytes_to_int(d[0]) minor = self.bytes_to_int(d[0]) if minor: key = 'A' else: key = 'C' for i in xrange(abs(sharps)): if sharps < 0: key = intervals.major_fourth(key) else: key = intervals.major_fifth(key) b.key = Note(key) else: print 'Unsupported META event', event['meta_event'] else: print 'Unsupported MIDI event', event t + b c.tracks.append(t) return (c, bpm)
[docs] def parse_midi_file_header(self, fp): """Read the header of a MIDI file and return a tuple containing the format type, number of tracks and parsed time division information.""" # Check header try: if != 'MThd': raise HeaderError('Not a valid MIDI file header. Byte %d.' % self.bytes_read) self.bytes_read += 4 except: raise IOError("Couldn't read from file.") # Parse chunk size try: chunk_size = self.bytes_to_int( self.bytes_read += 4 except: raise IOError("Couldn't read chunk size from file. Byte %d." % self.bytes_read) # Expect chunk size to be at least 6 if chunk_size < 6: return False try: format_type = self.bytes_to_int( self.bytes_read += 2 if format_type not in [0, 1, 2]: raise FormatError('%d is not a valid MIDI format.' % format_type) except: raise IOError("Couldn't read format type from file.") try: number_of_tracks = self.bytes_to_int( time_division = self.parse_time_division( self.bytes_read += 4 except: raise IOError("Couldn't read number of tracks " "and/or time division from tracks.") chunk_size -= 6 if chunk_size % 2 == 1: raise FormatError("Won't parse this.") / 2) self.bytes_read += chunk_size / 2 return (format_type, number_of_tracks, time_division)
[docs] def bytes_to_int(self, bytes): return int(binascii.b2a_hex(bytes), 16)
[docs] def parse_time_division(self, bytes): """Parse the time division found in the header of a MIDI file and return a dictionary with the boolean fps set to indicate whether to use frames per second or ticks per beat. If fps is True, the values SMPTE_frames and clock_ticks will also be set. If fps is False, ticks_per_beat will hold the value. """ # If highest bit is set, time division is set in frames per second # otherwise in ticks_per_beat value = self.bytes_to_int(bytes) if not value & 0x8000: return {'fps': False, 'ticks_per_beat': value & 0x7FFF} else: SMPTE_frames = (value & 0x7F00) >> 2 if SMPTE_frames not in [24, 25, 29, 30]: raise TimeDivisionError, \ "'%d' is not a valid value for the number of SMPTE frames"\ % SMPTE_frames clock_ticks = (value & 0x00FF) >> 2 return {'fps': True, 'SMPTE_frames': SMPTE_frames, 'clock_ticks': clock_ticks}
[docs] def parse_track(self, fp): """Parse a MIDI track from its header to its events. Return a list of events and the number of bytes that were read. """ events = [] chunk_size = self.parse_track_header(fp) bytes = chunk_size while chunk_size > 0: (delta_time, chunk_delta) = self.parse_varbyte_as_int(fp) chunk_size -= chunk_delta (event, chunk_delta) = self.parse_midi_event(fp) chunk_size -= chunk_delta events.append([delta_time, event]) if chunk_size < 0: print 'yikes.', self.bytes_read, chunk_size return events
[docs] def parse_midi_event(self, fp): """Parse a MIDI event. Return a dictionary and the number of bytes read. """ chunk_size = 0 try: ec = self.bytes_to_int( chunk_size += 1 self.bytes_read += 1 except: raise IOError("Couldn't read event type " "and channel data from file.") # Get the nibbles event_type = (ec & 0xf0) >> 4 channel = ec & 0x0f # I don't know what these events are supposed to do, but I keep finding # them. The parser ignores them. if event_type < 8: raise FormatError('Unknown event type %d. Byte %d.' % (event_type, self.bytes_read)) # Meta events can have strings of variable length if event_type == 0x0f: try: meta_event = self.bytes_to_int( (length, chunk_delta) = self.parse_varbyte_as_int(fp) data = chunk_size += 1 + chunk_delta + length self.bytes_read += 1 + length except: raise IOError("Couldn't read meta event from file.") return ({'event': event_type, 'meta_event': meta_event, 'data': data}, chunk_size) elif event_type in [12, 13]: # Program change and Channel aftertouch events only have one # parameter try: param1 = chunk_size += 1 self.bytes_read += 1 except: raise IOError("Couldn't read MIDI event parameters from file.") param1 = self.bytes_to_int(param1) return ({'event': event_type, 'channel': channel, 'param1': param1}, chunk_size) else: try: param1 = param2 = chunk_size += 2 self.bytes_read += 2 except: raise IOError("Couldn't read MIDI event parameters from file.") param1 = self.bytes_to_int(param1) param2 = self.bytes_to_int(param2) return ({'event': event_type, 'channel': channel, 'param1': param1, 'param2': param2}, chunk_size)
[docs] def parse_track_header(self, fp): """Return the size of the track chunk.""" # Check the header try: h = self.bytes_read += 4 except: raise IOError("Couldn't read track header from file. Byte %d." % self.bytes_read) if h != 'MTrk': raise HeaderError('Not a valid Track header. Byte %d.' % self.bytes_read) # Parse the size of the header try: chunk_size = self.bytes_read += 4 except: raise IOError("Couldn't read track chunk size from file.") chunk_size = self.bytes_to_int(chunk_size) return chunk_size
[docs] def parse_midi_file(self, file): """Parse a MIDI file. Return the header -as a tuple containing respectively the MIDI format, the number of tracks and the time division-, the parsed track data and the number of bytes read. """ try: f = open(file, 'r') except: raise IOError('File not found') self.bytes_read = 0 header = self.parse_midi_file_header(f) tracks = header[1] result = [] while tracks > 0: events = self.parse_track(f) result.append(events) tracks -= 1 f.close() return (header, result)
[docs] def parse_varbyte_as_int(self, fp, return_bytes_read=True): """Read a variable length byte from the file and return the corresponding integer.""" result = 0 bytes_read = 0 r = 0x80 while r & 0x80: try: r = self.bytes_to_int( self.bytes_read += 1 except: raise IOError("Couldn't read variable length byte from file.") if r & 0x80: result = (result << 7) + (r & 0x7F) else: result = (result << 7) + r bytes_read += 1 if not return_bytes_read: return result else: return (result, bytes_read)
if __name__ == '__main__': from sys import argv import fluidsynth import MidiFileOut fluidsynth.init() (m, bpm) = MIDI_to_Composition(argv[1]) MidiFileOut.write_Composition('test.mid', m, bpm)