Source code for mingus.midi.midi_track

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    mingus - Music theory Python package, midi_track module.
#    Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Bart Spaans
#    Copyright (C) 2011, Carlo Stemberger
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""Methods for working with MIDI data as bytes.

The MIDI file format specification I used can be found here:

from binascii import a2b_hex
from struct import pack, unpack
from math import log
from midi_events import *
from mingus.core.keys import Key, major_keys, minor_keys
from mingus.containers.note import Note

[docs]class MidiTrack(object): """A class used to generate MIDI events from the objects in mingus.containers.""" track_data = '' delta_time = '\x00' delay = 0 bpm = 120 change_instrument = False instrument = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, start_bpm=120): self.track_data = '' self.set_tempo(start_bpm)
[docs] def end_of_track(self): """Return the bytes for an end of track meta event.""" return "\x00\xff\x2f\x00"
[docs] def play_Note(self, note): """Convert a Note object to a midi event and adds it to the track_data. To set the channel on which to play this note, set, the same goes for Note.velocity. """ velocity = 64 channel = 1 if hasattr(note, 'dynamics'): if 'velocity' in note.dynamics: velocity = note.dynamics['velocity'] if 'channel' in note.dynamics: channel = note.dynamics['channel'] if hasattr(note, 'channel'): channel = if hasattr(note, 'velocity'): velocity = note.velocity if self.change_instrument: self.set_instrument(channel, self.instrument) self.change_instrument = False self.track_data += self.note_on(channel, int(note) + 12, velocity)
[docs] def play_NoteContainer(self, notecontainer): """Convert a mingus.containers.NoteContainer to the equivalent MIDI events and add it to the track_data. and Note.velocity can be set as well. """ if len(notecontainer) <= 1: [self.play_Note(x) for x in notecontainer] else: self.play_Note(notecontainer[0]) self.set_deltatime(0) [self.play_Note(x) for x in notecontainer[1:]]
[docs] def play_Bar(self, bar): """Convert a Bar object to MIDI events and write them to the track_data.""" self.set_deltatime(self.delay) self.delay = 0 self.set_meter(bar.meter) self.set_deltatime(0) self.set_key(bar.key) for x in bar: tick = int(round((1.0 / x[1]) * 288)) if x[2] is None or len(x[2]) == 0: self.delay += tick else: self.set_deltatime(self.delay) self.delay = 0 if hasattr(x[2], 'bpm'): self.set_deltatime(0) self.set_tempo(x[2].bpm) self.play_NoteContainer(x[2]) self.set_deltatime(self.int_to_varbyte(tick)) self.stop_NoteContainer(x[2])
[docs] def play_Track(self, track): """Convert a Track object to MIDI events and write them to the track_data.""" if hasattr(track, 'name'): self.set_track_name( self.delay = 0 instr = track.instrument if hasattr(instr, 'instrument_nr'): self.change_instrument = True self.instrument = instr.instrument_nr for bar in track: self.play_Bar(bar)
[docs] def stop_Note(self, note): """Add a note_off event for note to event_track.""" velocity = 64 channel = 1 if hasattr(note, 'dynamics'): if 'velocity' in note.dynamics: velocity = note.dynamics['velocity'] if 'channel' in note.dynamics: channel = note.dynamics['channel'] if hasattr(note, 'channel'): channel = if hasattr(note, 'velocity'): velocity = note.velocity self.track_data += self.note_off(channel, int(note) + 12, velocity)
[docs] def stop_NoteContainer(self, notecontainer): """Add note_off events for each note in the NoteContainer to the track_data.""" # if there is more than one note in the container, the deltatime should # be set back to zero after the first one has been stopped if len(notecontainer) <= 1: [self.stop_Note(x) for x in notecontainer] else: self.stop_Note(notecontainer[0]) self.set_deltatime(0) [self.stop_Note(x) for x in notecontainer[1:]]
[docs] def set_instrument(self, channel, instr, bank=1): """Add a program change and bank select event to the track_data.""" self.track_data += self.select_bank(channel, bank) self.track_data += self.program_change_event(channel, instr)
[docs] def header(self): """Return the bytes for the header of track. The header contains the length of the track_data, so you'll have to call this function when you're done adding data (when you're not using get_midi_data). """ chunk_size = a2b_hex('%08x' % (len(self.track_data) + len(self.end_of_track()))) return TRACK_HEADER + chunk_size
[docs] def get_midi_data(self): """Return the MIDI data in bytes for this track. Include header, track_data and the end of track meta event. """ return self.header() + self.track_data + self.end_of_track()
[docs] def midi_event(self, event_type, channel, param1, param2=None): """Convert and return the paraters as a MIDI event in bytes.""" assert event_type < 0x80 and event_type >= 0 assert channel < 16 and channel >= 0 tc = a2b_hex('%x%x' % (event_type, channel)) if param2 is None: params = a2b_hex('%02x' % param1) else: params = a2b_hex('%02x%02x' % (param1, param2)) return self.delta_time + tc + params
[docs] def note_off(self, channel, note, velocity): """Return bytes for a 'note off' event.""" return self.midi_event(NOTE_OFF, channel, note, velocity)
[docs] def note_on(self, channel, note, velocity): """Return bytes for a 'note_on' event.""" return self.midi_event(NOTE_ON, channel, note, velocity)
[docs] def controller_event(self, channel, contr_nr, contr_val): """Return the bytes for a MIDI controller event.""" return self.midi_event(CONTROLLER, channel, contr_nr, contr_val)
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset track_data and delta_time.""" self.track_data = '' self.delta_time = '\x00'
[docs] def set_deltatime(self, delta_time): """Set the delta_time. Can be an integer or a variable length byte. """ if type(delta_time) == int: delta_time = self.int_to_varbyte(delta_time) self.delta_time = delta_time
[docs] def select_bank(self, channel, bank): """Return the MIDI event for a select bank controller event.""" return self.controller_event(BANK_SELECT, channel, bank)
[docs] def program_change_event(self, channel, instr): """Return the bytes for a program change controller event.""" return self.midi_event(PROGRAM_CHANGE, channel, instr)
[docs] def set_tempo(self, bpm): """Convert the bpm to a midi event and write it to the track_data.""" self.bpm = bpm self.track_data += self.set_tempo_event(self.bpm)
[docs] def set_tempo_event(self, bpm): """Calculate the microseconds per quarter note.""" ms_per_min = 60000000 mpqn = a2b_hex('%06x' % (ms_per_min / bpm)) return self.delta_time + META_EVENT + SET_TEMPO + '\x03' + mpqn
[docs] def set_meter(self, meter=(4, 4)): """Add a time signature event for meter to track_data.""" self.track_data += self.time_signature_event(meter)
[docs] def time_signature_event(self, meter=(4, 4)): """Return a time signature event for meter.""" numer = a2b_hex('%02x' % meter[0]) denom = a2b_hex('%02x' % int(log(meter[1], 2))) return self.delta_time + META_EVENT + TIME_SIGNATURE + '\x04' + numer\ + denom + '\x18\x08'
[docs] def set_key(self, key='C'): """Add a key signature event to the track_data.""" if isinstance(key, Key): key =[0] self.track_data += self.key_signature_event(key)
[docs] def key_signature_event(self, key='C'): """Return the bytes for a key signature event.""" if key.islower(): val = minor_keys.index(key) - 7 mode = '\x01' else: val = major_keys.index(key) - 7 mode = '\x00' if val < 0: val = 256 + val key = a2b_hex('%02x' % val) return '{0}{1}{2}\x02{3}{4}'.format(self.delta_time, META_EVENT, KEY_SIGNATURE, key, mode)
[docs] def set_track_name(self, name): """Add a meta event for the track.""" self.track_data += self.track_name_event(name)
[docs] def track_name_event(self, name): """Return the bytes for a track name meta event.""" l = self.int_to_varbyte(len(name)) return '\x00' + META_EVENT + TRACK_NAME + l + name
[docs] def int_to_varbyte(self, value): """Convert an integer into a variable length byte. How it works: the bytes are stored in big-endian (significant bit first), the highest bit of the byte (mask 0x80) is set when there are more bytes following. The remaining 7 bits (mask 0x7F) are used to store the value. """ # Warning: bit kung-fu ahead. The length of the integer in bytes length = int(log(max(value, 1), 0x80)) + 1 # Remove the highest bit and move the bits to the right if length > 1 bytes = [value >> i * 7 & 0x7F for i in range(length)] bytes.reverse() # Set the first bit on every one but the last bit. for i in range(len(bytes) - 1): bytes[i] = bytes[i] | 0x80 return pack('%sB' % len(bytes), *bytes)