Source code for mingus.midi.sequencer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    mingus - Music theory Python package, sequencer module.
#    Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Bart Spaans
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

"""A general purpose sequencer for the objects in mingus.containers.

You can use the Sequencer object either by creating a subclass and
implementing some of the events (init, play_event, stop_event, cc_event,
instr_event) or by attaching observer objects via 'attach' and catching the
messages in the notify(msg_type, param_dict) function of your object.

See SequencerObserver for a pre made, easy to extend base class that can be
attached to the Sequencer.

from mingus.containers.instrument import MidiInstrument

[docs]class Sequencer(object): """A general purpose sequencer for the objects in mingus.containers. You can use the Sequencer object either by creating a subclass and implementing some of the events (init, play_event, stop_event, cc_event, instr_event) or by attaching observer objects via 'attach' and catching the messages in the notify(msg_type, param_dict) function of your object. See SequencerObserver for a pre made, easy to extend base class that can be attached to the Sequencer. """ output = None # Low level messages MSG_PLAY_INT = 0 MSG_STOP_INT = 1 MSG_CC = 2 MSG_INSTR = 3 MSG_SLEEP = 4 # High level messages MSG_PLAY_NOTE = 5 MSG_STOP_NOTE = 6 MSG_PLAY_NC = 7 MSG_STOP_NC = 8 MSG_PLAY_BAR = 9 MSG_PLAY_BARS = 10 MSG_PLAY_TRACK = 11 MSG_PLAY_TRACKS = 12 MSG_PLAY_COMPOSITION = 13
[docs] def __init__(self): self.listeners = [] self.init() # Events Implement some of these functions when subclassing
[docs] def init(self): pass
[docs] def play_event(self, note, channel, velocity): pass
[docs] def stop_event(self, note, channel): pass
[docs] def cc_event(self, channel, control, value): pass
[docs] def instr_event(self, channel, instr, bank): pass
[docs] def sleep(self, seconds): pass
[docs] def attach(self, listener): """Attach an object that should be notified of events. The object should have a notify(msg_type, param_dict) function. """ if listener not in self.listeners: self.listeners.append(listener)
[docs] def detach(self, listener): """Detach a listening object so that it won't receive any events anymore.""" if listener in self.listeners: self.listeners.remove(listener)
[docs] def notify_listeners(self, msg_type, params): """Send a message to all the observers.""" for c in self.listeners: c.notify(msg_type, params)
[docs] def set_instrument(self, channel, instr, bank=0): """Set the channel to the instrument _instr_.""" self.instr_event(channel, instr, bank) self.notify_listeners(self.MSG_INSTR, {'channel': int(channel), 'instr': int(instr), 'bank': int(bank)})
[docs] def control_change(self, channel, control, value): """Send a control change message. See the MIDI specification for more information. """ if control < 0 or control > 128: return False if value < 0 or value > 128: return False self.cc_event(channel, control, value) self.notify_listeners(self.MSG_CC, {'channel': int(channel), 'control': int(control), 'value': int(value)}) return True
[docs] def play_Note(self, note, channel=1, velocity=100): """Play a Note object on a channel with a velocity[0-127]. You can either specify the velocity and channel here as arguments or you can set the Note.velocity and attributes, which will take presedence over the function arguments. """ if hasattr(note, 'velocity'): velocity = note.velocity if hasattr(note, 'channel'): channel = self.play_event(int(note) + 12, int(channel), int(velocity)) self.notify_listeners(self.MSG_PLAY_INT, {'channel': int(channel), 'note': int(note) + 12, 'velocity': int(velocity)}) self.notify_listeners(self.MSG_PLAY_NOTE, {'channel': int(channel), 'note': note, 'velocity': int(velocity)}) return True
[docs] def stop_Note(self, note, channel=1): """Stop a note on a channel. If is set, it will take presedence over the channel argument given here. """ if hasattr(note, 'channel'): channel = self.stop_event(int(note) + 12, int(channel)) self.notify_listeners(self.MSG_STOP_INT, {'channel': int(channel), 'note': int(note) + 12}) self.notify_listeners(self.MSG_STOP_NOTE, {'channel': int(channel), 'note': note}) return True
[docs] def stop_everything(self): """Stop all the notes on all channels.""" for x in range(118): for c in range(16): self.stop_Note(x, c)
[docs] def play_NoteContainer(self, nc, channel=1, velocity=100): """Play the Notes in the NoteContainer nc.""" self.notify_listeners(self.MSG_PLAY_NC, {'notes': nc, 'channel': channel, 'velocity': velocity}) if nc is None: return True for note in nc: if not self.play_Note(note, channel, velocity): return False return True
[docs] def stop_NoteContainer(self, nc, channel=1): """Stop playing the notes in NoteContainer nc.""" self.notify_listeners(self.MSG_PLAY_NC, {'notes': nc, 'channel': channel}) if nc is None: return True for note in nc: if not self.stop_Note(note, channel): return False return True
[docs] def play_Bar(self, bar, channel=1, bpm=120): """Play a Bar object. Return a dictionary with the bpm lemma set on success, an empty dict on some kind of failure. The tempo can be changed by setting the bpm attribute on a NoteContainer. """ self.notify_listeners(self.MSG_PLAY_BAR, {'bar': bar, 'channel' : channel, 'bpm': bpm}) # length of a quarter note qn_length = 60.0 / bpm for nc in bar: if not self.play_NoteContainer(nc[2], channel, 100): return {} # Change the quarter note length if the NoteContainer has a bpm # attribute if hasattr(nc[2], 'bpm'): bpm = nc[2].bpm qn_length = 60.0 / bpm ms = qn_length * (4.0 / nc[1]) self.sleep(ms) self.notify_listeners(self.MSG_SLEEP, {'s': ms}) self.stop_NoteContainer(nc[2], channel) return {'bpm': bpm}
[docs] def play_Bars(self, bars, channels, bpm=120): """Play several bars (a list of Bar objects) at the same time. A list of channels should also be provided. The tempo can be changed by providing one or more of the NoteContainers with a bpm argument. """ self.notify_listeners(self.MSG_PLAY_BARS, {'bars': bars, 'channels': channels, 'bpm': bpm}) qn_length = 60.0 / bpm # length of a quarter note tick = 0.0 # place in beat from 0.0 to bar.length cur = [0] * len(bars) # keeps the index of the NoteContainer under # investigation in each of the bars playing = [] # The NoteContainers being played. while tick < bars[0].length: # Prepare a and play a list of NoteContainers that are ready for it. # The list `playing_new` holds both the duration and the # NoteContainer. playing_new = [] for (n, x) in enumerate(cur): (start_tick, note_length, nc) = bars[n][x] if start_tick <= tick: self.play_NoteContainer(nc, channels[n]) playing_new.append([note_length, n]) playing.append([note_length, nc, channels[n], n]) # Change the length of a quarter note if the NoteContainer # has a bpm attribute if hasattr(nc, 'bpm'): bpm = nc.bpm qn_length = 60.0 / bpm # Sort the list and sleep for the shortest duration if len(playing_new) != 0: playing_new.sort() shortest = playing_new[-1][0] ms = qn_length * (4.0 / shortest) self.sleep(ms) self.notify_listeners(self.MSG_SLEEP, {'s': ms}) else: # If somehow, playing_new doesn't contain any notes (something # that shouldn't happen when the bar was filled properly), we # make sure that at least the notes that are still playing get # handled correctly. if len(playing) != 0: playing.sort() shortest = playing[-1][0] ms = qn_length * (4.0 / shortest) self.sleep(ms) self.notify_listeners(self.MSG_SLEEP, {'s': ms}) else: # warning: this could lead to some strange behaviour. OTOH. # Leaving gaps is not the way Bar works. should we do an # integrity check on bars first? return {} # Add shortest interval to tick tick += 1.0 / shortest # This final piece adjusts the duration in `playing` and checks if a # NoteContainer should be stopped. new_playing = [] for (length, nc, chan, n) in playing: duration = 1.0 / length - 1.0 / shortest if duration >= 0.00001: new_playing.append([1.0 / duration, nc, chan, n]) else: self.stop_NoteContainer(nc, chan) if cur[n] < len(bars[n]) - 1: cur[n] += 1 playing = new_playing for p in playing: self.stop_NoteContainer(p[1], p[2]) playing.remove(p) return {'bpm': bpm}
[docs] def play_Track(self, track, channel=1, bpm=120): """Play a Track object.""" self.notify_listeners(self.MSG_PLAY_TRACK, {'track': track, 'channel' : channel, 'bpm': bpm}) for bar in track: res = self.play_Bar(bar, channel, bpm) if res != {}: bpm = res['bpm'] else: return {} return {'bpm': bpm}
[docs] def play_Tracks(self, tracks, channels, bpm=120): """Play a list of Tracks. If an instance of MidiInstrument is used then the instrument will be set automatically. """ self.notify_listeners(self.MSG_PLAY_TRACKS, {'tracks': tracks, 'channels': channels, 'bpm': bpm}) # Set the right instruments for x in range(len(tracks)): instr = tracks[x].instrument if isinstance(instr, MidiInstrument): try: i = instr.names.index( except: i = 1 self.set_instrument(channels[x], i) else: self.set_instrument(channels[x], 1) current_bar = 0 max_bar = len(tracks[0]) # Play the bars while current_bar < max_bar: playbars = [] for tr in tracks: playbars.append(tr[current_bar]) res = self.play_Bars(playbars, channels, bpm) if res != {}: bpm = res['bpm'] else: return {} current_bar += 1 return {'bpm': bpm}
[docs] def play_Composition(self, composition, channels=None, bpm=120): """Play a Composition object.""" self.notify_listeners(self.MSG_PLAY_COMPOSITION, {'composition' : composition, 'channels': channels, 'bpm': bpm}) if channels == None: channels = map(lambda x: x + 1, range(len(composition.tracks))) return self.play_Tracks(composition.tracks, channels, bpm)
[docs] def modulation(self, channel, value): """Set the modulation.""" return self.control_change(channel, 1, value)
[docs] def main_volume(self, channel, value): """Set the main volume.""" return self.control_change(channel, 7, value)
[docs] def pan(self, channel, value): """Set the panning.""" return self.control_change(channel, 10, value)