
The mingus package is currently divided into four sub-packages named core, containers, midi and extra:


  • Work with notes, intervals, chords, scales, keys and meters in a simple and theoretically sound way.
  • Generate natural diatonic intervals (seconds, thirds, fourths, etc) and absolute intervals (minors second, perfect fifths, etc.)
  • Generate natural diatonic triads, seventh chords, and absolute chords directly or from shorthand (min7, m/M7, etc). mingus also knows about inversions, slashed chords and polychords.
  • Refer to chords by their diatonic function (tonic, subtonic, etc. or I, ii, iii, IV, etc).
  • Generate chords from abstract chord progressions (eg. [“I”, “IV”, “V”]). Substitution algorithms are included.
  • Work with diatonic scales and their modes (ionian, mixolydian, etc.), generate the minor (natural, harmonic and melodic) and chromatic or whole note scales.
  • Recognize intervals, scales and hundreds of chords from lists of notes.
  • Recognize the harmonic functions of chords.


  • The Note class: can keep track of octaves, dynamics and effect and also allows you to compare Notes: eg. Note(“A”) <= Note(“B”) and convert to and from Hertz.
  • An Instrument class that can be subclassed. This can be used to work with the appropriate ranges, clefs, etc.
  • Data structures that group notes together in blocks of notes (NoteContainers), Bars, Tracks, Compositions and Suites.
  • Transpose functions on Notes, NoteContainers, Bars and Tracks.


  • Can convert all the objects in mingus.containers to MIDI events.
  • Can save MIDI events - and thus mingus.containers - as MIDI files.
  • A MIDI sequencer which uses the container objects and can send timed MIDI messages to an output function.
  • Support for fluidsynth (a software MIDI synthesizer), so that objects can be played in real-time.


  • Create png’s and pdf’s from Bars, Tracks, Compositions and Suites using LilyPond.

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