
Provides an easy to extend base class that can be used to observe a Sequencer.

Each time a Sequencer starts playing a new Note, Bar, w/e, an event is fired; this SequencerObserver intercepts the event messages and calls the proper function so you only have to implement the functions for the events you need to see.

class mingus.midi.sequencer_observer.SequencerObserver[source]
cc_event(self, channel, control, value)[source]
instr_event(self, channel, instr, bank)[source]
notify(self, msg_type, params)[source]
play_Bar(self, bar, channel, bpm)[source]
play_Bars(self, bars, channels, bpm)[source]
play_Composition(self, composition, channels, bpm)[source]
play_Note(self, note, channel, velocity)[source]
play_NoteContainer(self, notes, channel)[source]
play_Track(self, track, channel, bpm)[source]
play_Tracks(self, tracks, channels, bpm)[source]
play_int_note_event(self, int_note, channel, velocity)[source]
sleep(self, seconds)[source]
stop_Note(self, note, channel)[source]
stop_NoteContainer(self, notes, channel)[source]
stop_int_note_event(self, int_note, channel)[source]

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