Tutorial 2 - Saving Containers as Midi Files

>>> from mingus.midi import MidiFileOut

Saving Notes, NoteContainers, Bars, Tracks and Compositions

The functions in this module all work the same and are very simple to use. write_Note, write_NoteContainer, write_Bar, write_Track and write_Composition all take four arguments, from which the last two are optional. The first argument specifies the filename, the second is the object itself, the third argument is the number of beats per minute (default = 120) and the last argument specifies the number of times the object should be repeated (default = 0).

>>> nc = NoteContainer(["A", "C", "E"])
>>> MidiFileOut.write_NoteContainer("test.mid", nc)

As in the FluidSynth module you can set the channel and velocity on Notes by setting the channel and velocity attributes. And again, to change the tempo you can set the bpm attribute on a NoteContainer.

You can learn more about mingus.midi.MidiFileOut in the reference section.